Stainless Steel Knife Holder | 400mm
Product code: 89098

Stainless Steel Knife Holder | 400mm
Magnetic Product Description:
This Stainless Steel Knife Holder has a length of 400mm, a width of 50mm and a 25mm height. It is identified by the AMF magnets part number 89098.
Uses for our stainless steel knife holder:
Commercial kitchens and high end home kitchens love these simply detailed bold magnetic sections for suspending most often used kitchen implements. Keeping benches clear of loose items is safe practice in commercial food preparation areas where space is a premium and different people are moving around large heavy vessels of hot material from station to station. Loose items like knives and spoons on benchtops or knocked onto floors constitute a spill or slip hazard.
These magnetic forms help keep sharp knives sharp. Presented to the chef in suspended form allows the quick choice of the correct knife or implement for the task at hand. A wipe with the cloth, a quick replace, out of harm’s way.
Most chefs collect and clean their knives at the end of each shift and sheath them before taking them home. Keeping them suspended on a magnetic panel in plain sight during the shift enables the owner to carefully monitor and tell others where these tools of trade should reside at all times.
For tinkerers and craftspeople working at home and for tradespeople in the workplace these magnetic bars have a magical power to change a very sad question into a very happy question. With the suspension of most often used tools or tools that love playing hide and seek on magnetic sections, the frustrating question, ‘Where did that thing go?’ is magically banished and is suddenly transformed by magnetic magic into a happy question, ‘Hmmm. Wonder if I should put up another one?’.
When you need to organise or display tools or knives, AMF's knife and tool holders are the inexpensive magnetic solution to your problem. Ideal for use in garages, workshops, service stations, home, kitchen or office.
Our Magnetic Racks are easily mounted with fixing screws provided.
Stainless Steel Knife Holder | 400mm (89098)
Magnetic Product Description:
This Stainless Steel Knife Holder has a length of 400mm, a width of 50mm and a 25mm height. It is identified by the AMF magnets part number 89098.
Uses for our stainless steel knife holder:
Commercial kitchens and high end home kitchens love these simply detailed bold magnetic sections for suspending most often used kitchen implements. Keeping benches clear of loose items is safe practice in commercial food preparation areas where space is a premium and different people are moving around large heavy vessels of hot material from station to station. Loose items like knives and spoons on benchtops or knocked onto floors constitute a spill or slip hazard.
These magnetic forms help keep sharp knives sharp. Presented to the chef in suspended form allows the quick choice of the correct knife or implement for the task at hand. A wipe with the cloth, a quick replace, out of harm’s way.
Most chefs collect and clean their knives at the end of each shift and sheath them before taking them home. Keeping them suspended on a magnetic panel in plain sight during the shift enables the owner to carefully monitor and tell others where these tools of trade should reside at all times.
For tinkerers and craftspeople working at home and for tradespeople in the workplace these magnetic bars have a magical power to change a very sad question into a very happy question. With the suspension of most often used tools or tools that love playing hide and seek on magnetic sections, the frustrating question, ‘Where did that thing go?’ is magically banished and is suddenly transformed by magnetic magic into a happy question, ‘Hmmm. Wonder if I should put up another one?’.
When you need to organise or display tools or knives, AMF's knife and tool holders are the inexpensive magnetic solution to your problem. Ideal for use in garages, workshops, service stations, home, kitchen or office.
Our Magnetic Racks are easily mounted with fixing screws provided.
Stainless Steel Knife Holder | 400mm (89098)